College-level scholarships

A Message from the Director:

Welcome to the Military History Center (MHC) at the University of North Texas, where we are building one of the premier military history programs in the world. We've hired great military historians in the forefront of their fields in teaching and research, and offer a rich course rotation for graduate students and undergraduates on the great conflicts of history as well as war and society, military thought, and diplomacy. The Center pulls together our own faculty and student fellows as well as advisory fellows such as Niall Ferguson, Hew Strachan, and Dennis Showalter. We "bookend" our academic year with two major speaker program. In the fall, we host the hugely successful Alfred Hurley Military History Seminar, which has been an annual event in North Texas for thirty-six years and counting. Recent speakers have included Michael Howard, General Anthony Zinni, David Kilcullen, Jeremy Black, and Victor Davis Hanson. In the spring, the MHC hosts the War Studies Symposium, in which we examine a major issue in war studies through the eyes of a prominent historian.

At the UNT Military History Center we offer a PhD. in military history. Here we study, analyze and discuss the history and future of warfare in every era and culture.

Join us in North Texas, or right here on the web.

-Dr. Geoffrey Wawro

A Message from the Deputy Director:

Selecting the right graduate program is a major decision with life-altering implications. Not only must you meet university and departmental admissions requirements, but it is imperative that you select the program that is right for you. Unlike selecting an undergraduate institution, your selection criteria must be extremely specific. You must ask yourself: what type of history do I want to study: military, political, social...? Do I want to study US History, European, Middle East, Asian...? What period do I want to study: ancient, medieval, pre-modern, or modern? Only you can answer these questions. Once you have answered most or all of these questions you need to look for graduate programs that specialize in your area of interest. Programs that do specialize in your area of interest will have one or more faculty in the department working in this field. Before you consider spending the money on the application fee, contact the professor and express your interest. See if that professor would be willing to work with you, discuss your research interest, and establish a relationship. Never walk into graduate school not knowing who you will work with or what you want to study. We can help you answer some of these questions and we encourage you to contact us about your prospects of studying at the Center. Just email me!

Michael Leggiere

Seven Questions for Dr. Mendoza

Dr. Mendoza

Previous Spotlights:

Eight questions for Dr. McCaslin

Eight Questions for Dr. Tanner